Augmented Reality in Real Estate
Augmented Reality provides endless business opportunities for the Real Estate market. Using AR, potential buyers of real estate can already visit the property in 3D before making the effort to travel there. For realtors, AR provides completely new marketing opportunities by making use of location-based services while at the same time providing a unique experience to the buyer.

AR Benefits for the Buyer
Better Visualization: When providing users with an AR experience using 3D models while they are looking for real estate, they get an instant feel of how the apartment or property is going to look like. Besides, allowing them to go on a virtual tour to see the object beforehand, gives buyers the chance to get inspired by trying out different interior designs and exploring the entire house, garden, and even the basement. And all without leaving your desk.
Time/Resources: Instead of traveling to a lot of different locations, AR technology would allow prospective clients to narrow down the list of potential properties before in order to only see and visit a few objects. This way time constraints are not a problem and a purchase decision can be made faster.
Benefits the Real Estate Agency
Competitive Advantage: Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to get somebody’s full attention. To create better engagement with potential clients, and to differentiate your business as much possible from the competition, Augmented Reality might make a crucial difference.
Unique Experience: AR would allow real estate professionals to offer a more personalized and unique experience to the client. On top of that, AR gives clients the chance to test if their furniture fits into the living room, before even visiting it.
New Marketing Opportunities through Location-based AR: Users would have the opportunity to be walking around the city and see available properties through their mobile devices. Additionally, notifications might also appear on the app every time clients are close to a potential property that fits their search criteria. Real Estate agents would be able to use AR to advertise properties on the map in a new and revolutionary way using Onirix Geolocation.
Better Engagement: Due to innovation and the multiple interactive possibilities of AR in Real Estate, customers would be more likely to spend more time using your app. This will allow you to get your customers more interested and involved, which would be a beneficial factor to boost your business.
‘’AR Technology will continue to advance and the real estate industry will find new and exciting ways to use it’’.
In the end, Augmented Reality has the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry. Embracing AR technology can help realtors to separate themselves from the competition by providing clients with a unique experience.